What is Blended Learning? (Guide and Examples)

Just like mac and cheese, or strawberries and cream, some things just work better together. The same goes for your organisational training - you might discover that a mix of learning methods is the perfect recipe for your team's success.

Over the last decade, educators everywhere have found blended learning can be a real game-changer. A growing number of organisational learning and development (L&D) leaders are embracing this approach to educate and upskill their people. In fact, according to IMC Learning's State of Learning Technologies 2024 report, 62% of organisations are now using blended learning.

So, what exactly do we mean by 'blended learning', and why is it so popular? Let's find out!

What is Blended Learning? 

Blended learning is simply a mix of traditional face-to-face teaching and online learning methods (of which there are many – more on that in a bit!). It can give you the best of both worlds - the human touch of in-person sessions and the flexibility and support of digital resources – to create really engaging and personalised learning experiences. Instead of sticking to just one method of teaching, learners can enjoy a blend of classroom sessions, virtual discussions, multimedia content, or interactive activities.


Why Should You Embrace Blended Learning?

As with any learning approach, there are benefits and disadvantages. If a blended solution isn’t something you’ve considered for your people before, why should you even consider it?

1) Flexibility

Blended learning is incredibly adaptable, catering to all kinds of learners. Whether someone prefers a traditional classroom, online training, or a mix of both, this approach ensures everyone’s needs are met.

2) Personalisation

Evolve's cloud-based platform makes it really easy for teams to work together using a web browser. Whether your team are scattered across the globe or working from different offices, they can seamlessly collaborate on the same project. You'll reap the benefits from being able to tap into the expertise of colleagues and subject matter experts (SMEs) to create the most impactful eLearning courses for your people. With Evolve's real-time updates, you and your development team or digital learning partner can also stay in sync every step of the way. 


3) Increased engagement

There's a vast library of components available to use, including interactive quizzes, multimedia elements, and pre-designed templates that can be easily customised to fit your organisation's unique needs. This allows you or your digital learning partner to create course content in a fraction of the time it would take to start from scratch. 

It's also incredibly easy to update and maintain your courses, which is especially helpful for organisations that must keep their training materials current and relevant.  


4) Cost-effectiveness

When learners are stuck on a rigid path with no choices, feedback, or personalisation, they are likely to become disengaged. 

Evolve addresses this issue by enabling you to create diverse learning paths that personalise the experience. Courses can be constructed to allow your learners' decisions to directly influence the outcome of their learning journey. 

For example, let's say you're creating a training course for customer service representatives and want to create a scenario in which the user must choose the best response to a customer's complaint. Using Evolve's 'logic' feature, you can create different branches for each possible response. Depending on the user's choice, the course will adapt and present them with different outcomes.  


Examples of Blended Learning

We’ve already mentioned a few of the types of learning above—here are a few more examples and methodologies.


Traditional instructor-led learning enhanced by technology allows learners to go at their own pace. This could include role-playing, mentoring, hands-on practice, and feedback sessions.


Learners are divided into smaller groups, each doing different tasks at different times. Some tasks are online, others in person, ensuring everyone benefits regardless of their learning style.

Flipped classroom

Learners study new content at home before class, then use class time for active learning and applying skills through discussions, case studies, or projects, with the instructor there to guide and support them.


Learners take charge of their learning, moving from one activity to another based on their needs. Activities can be online or offline, with instructors available on-site for guidance and assistance.


Everything is done online, giving learners the flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere. Whether through live webinars, peer-to-peer sessions, or self-paced eLearning courses, this model offers convenience without compromising quality.


5 tips on how you can get started with blended learning

If you’re now thinking about how you could potentially incorporate blended learning into your organisation, here’s a few points to consider.


1) Define your learning objectives

Take a step back and consider what your learning currently delivers and what you need your people to do. No matter what you want to deliver, this should always be one of the first things you do!


2) Choose a blended learning model

There are various blended learning models to choose from, each offering its unique benefits. Whether it's the flipped classroom model, rotational model, or flex learning model, selecting the right approach depends on factors like the nature of your content, the preferences of your learners, and the available resources.

Take the time to research and assess which models best align with your learning objectives, organisational structure, and culture.


3) Get buy-in from your learners

Just as every dish requires the right ingredients, every learning programme needs to be tailored to its audience. Assess your learners' needs, preferences, and learning styles. Communicate with your learners and involve them in the decision-making process to ensure you're on the right track.

Address any concerns they might have and encourage their support and enthusiasm. By promoting a culture of collaboration and transparency, you'll ensure that your blended learning initiative is well-received.


4) Use the right tools to create and deliver content.

Consider different technologies and platforms available to you, as well as the options already available to you from your in-house experts. Two tools will be necessary: an authoring tool to create online content and a learning management system to deliver it and track learner progress. Let's take a closer look at these:

Authoring Tools

Look for authoring tools that are user-friendly and suitable for your team's skill level. Whether you're working with instructional designers or subject matter experts new to eLearning, prioritise tools that offer ease of use and support collaboration.

If you don't have the time or expertise, you could consider outsourcing your digital training to a provider (like us! 😉)

Learning Management System (LMS)

Choosing the right Learning Management System (LMS) is critical for effectively managing and delivering training. An LMS hosts training materials, delivers them to learners, and generates reports that help evaluate the success of training.

However, it's essential to evaluate the compatibility of your LMS with your learning goals, learners' needs, and budgetary considerations before making a final decision. An overly complex tool may actually hinder the learning process rather than facilitate it.


5) Provide Ongoing Support

Blended learning goes beyond initial setup; it relies on continual support and improvement. Stay proactive by collecting feedback from both learners and instructors and using their insights to fine-tune your methods.

You're all set to launch your own blended learning programme. Need a hand with the development? Share your project details with us HERE.


5 Reasons to Choose Intellum’s Evolve Authoring Tool for Your Next eLearning Project